Just a couple of random things from the past few days that I forgot to include in posts:
- Driving in New Mexico and Texas, outside of prisons, we saw signs that said "Prison are. Please do not pick up hitchhikers." DUH!!! The guys in the black and white striped outfits?
- When I went to get wine yesterday, the first place that I stopped was a Texaco convenience store. As I left the store, a little orangish-brownish dog came up to me, got on her stomach and rolled over. I petted her, but she was full of ticks, fleas and had mange. But so sweet and so loving! She had a blue collar on, so she is probably someone's dog. She's on the list of things to do when we come back through in Dec - get her fixed up and spayed, at least.
- We've seen lots of Mexico dogs - and one that looked like Cejas, Jr. , big bat ears and all.
Hasta whenever!
some dog shots, just for kicks.
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