On Saturday, we decided to take the dogs to the beach.
Two reasons.
One, the maid was getting a little offended that we didn't want or need her to clean our condo. The maids here take great pride in their work, and if you don't want them to clean every day, they take that as an insult. We had told Alvar, our property manager, that we only wanted maid service two or three days a week, but I'm not sure that that ever registered. Anyway, we decided to clear out of the condo and head to Akumal Playa to spend a couple of hours.
We parked at the far end of the parking lot and took the dogs over to the beach. Cejas was so excited and Bella was trembling with anticipation. Solavina looked a little hesitant. Missy was right beside me...
We found a spot on the beach underneath some palm trees, in front of Budha Spa Gardens. Bob went and rented two beach lounge chairs from the nice young attendant, and we set up camp.
I took the dogs down to the water, and the first thing that Bella did was to run in and bury herself in water up to her neck. She laid down at the surf line and just stayed there. Missy was running in and out of the water, but wouldn't go in the water above where it came to her arm/leg pits. Cejas avoided the water at all costs. Solavina ran into the water and started swimming, harness, leash and all.
Cejas ran and ran and then he ran some more on the beach - full out, legs stretched as far as they could stretch and then tucked like a heron's underneath him on the way out... He was so happy and so full of glee, doing his best imitation of a greyhound! Missy kept running back and forth between me and Bella. I had Vina on her leash but she went into the water and started swimming around and then seemed to remember, "I don't have to do this any more!"
We relaxed on the chaises and Bob went over to the Lol Ha to get us some nice cold cervezas Montejos. We sipped them and watched the bay and the ocean and the waves and thought to ourselves how ugly the place is.
After a while, Bob and I got hungry, so we took the dogs and our bags over to the snackbar patio and tied the dogs up to chairs so they wouldn't get in the way of the waiters or revert to beach mode. I had the sopa de dia, which was gazpacho, my favorite! I also had a Caprese salad - YUM!! The dogs all settled under the table and pretty much slept.
We went back to the condo and then got ready for the Independence Day party at LBV. That was a lot of fun, if no pictures to attach, and we got to see a lot of good friends there.
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